Užjana Zmetáková portfolio web site

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 The Birth of Venus II. - 2011, oil on canvas, 81x100cms

The Birth of Venus II. - 2011, oil on canvas, 81x100cms

 Bodíky (Autumn) - 2008, oil on canvas, 100x120cms  In the rain - 2010, oil on canvas, 120x100cms  The Birth of Venus I. - 2011, oil on canvas, 81x100cms  The Birth of Venus II. - 2011, oil on canvas, 81x100cms  The Birth of Venus III. - 2011, oil on canvas, 81x100cms  The Boy and the sea - 2014, oil on canvas, 130x100cms  Tribute to Morandi I. - 2011, oil on canvas, 54x73cms

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